
 From Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes

What We believed to be the limits of possibility have
been so enormously exceeded, and those who founded
their expectations on the past have been so often wrong, that the man
in the street is now prepared to believe anything which is told him
with some show of authority, and the larger the figure
the more readily he swallows it.

The statistics of the economic interdependence of Germany and
her neighbors are overwhelming. Germany was the best customer of
Russia, Norway, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland. Italy, and Austria-
Hungary; she was the second best customer of Great Britain, Sweden,
and Denmark; and the third best customer of France. She was the
largest source of supply to Russia, Norway, Sweden. Denmark,
Holland Switzerland.Italy, Austria-Hungary, Romania, and
Bulgaria; and the second largest source of supply to Great Britain,
Belgium, and France.

In the great events of man's history, in the unwinding of the complex fates of nations Justice
is not so simple. And if it were, nations are not authorized.by religion or by natural morals, to
visit on the children of their enemies the misdoings of parents or of rulers.

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